Cost of Living Comparison Information
To compare the cost of living in your current location to the cost of living somewhere else check out the Cost of Living Calculator or this cost of living Wizard by
You can also check out the Places Rated Almanac which compares most major cities in every conceivable way including climate, educational facilities, sports teams, cultural advantages etc. The Almanac can be purchased on Amazon here.
To find out how Americans by age group spend their money, compare what you spend as a senior (first figure) with what the average American household spends (second figure).
Americans who are homeowners
67% vrs 57%
Percent of home owners with a mortgage
61% vrs 81%
Average # of people in household
2.1 vrs 2.9
Annual spending per household Food
$5,340 vrs $5,643
$13,432 vrs $14,403
$401 vrs $460
Major appliances
$196 vrs $200
Sheet, towels, other household textiles
$113 vrs $108
$1,640 vrs $1,870
$7,781 vrs $8,354
New vehicles
$2,052 vrs $2,055
Old vehicles
$1,611 vrs $1,904
Health care
$2,416 vrs $1,758
$467 vrs $266
$2,060 vrs $2,142
Insurance and pension expense (1)
$4,055 vrs $4,505
Other expenses
$4,093 vrs $3,956
$40,817 vrs $42,631
Source: Advertising Age’s American Demographics, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure survey. (1) Includes social security contribution (excludes health insurance, which is classified as health-care expense).
U.S. Government Nursing Home Comparison
For a comprehensive directory of retirement homes, retirement communities, assisted living communities, senior housing, nursing homes and skilled nursing communities and long term care options in the USA, Canada, and worldwide check out this site:
You can also check out the Places Rated Almanac which compares most major cities in every conceivable way including climate, educational facilities, sports teams, cultural advantages etc. The Almanac can be purchased on Amazon here.
To find out how Americans by age group spend their money, compare what you spend as a senior (first figure) with what the average American household spends (second figure).
Americans who are homeowners
67% vrs 57%
Percent of home owners with a mortgage
61% vrs 81%
Average # of people in household
2.1 vrs 2.9
Annual spending per household Food
$5,340 vrs $5,643
$13,432 vrs $14,403
$401 vrs $460
Major appliances
$196 vrs $200
Sheet, towels, other household textiles
$113 vrs $108
$1,640 vrs $1,870
$7,781 vrs $8,354
New vehicles
$2,052 vrs $2,055
Old vehicles
$1,611 vrs $1,904
Health care
$2,416 vrs $1,758
$467 vrs $266
$2,060 vrs $2,142
Insurance and pension expense (1)
$4,055 vrs $4,505
Other expenses
$4,093 vrs $3,956
$40,817 vrs $42,631
Source: Advertising Age’s American Demographics, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure survey. (1) Includes social security contribution (excludes health insurance, which is classified as health-care expense).
U.S. Government Nursing Home Comparison
For a comprehensive directory of retirement homes, retirement communities, assisted living communities, senior housing, nursing homes and skilled nursing communities and long term care options in the USA, Canada, and worldwide check out this site: