Almost all living things are designed to reproduce. That’s simply evolution and survival at work. It is one of the most natural of functions and to some, becoming a parent and being able to raise the next generation is the defining moment and ultimate purpose in life. But not everyone is so blessed to have the ability to reproduce. Some are unable to because of an accident, because of their physiology, and others, sadly, simply are unable to find someone to share this miracle with. It’s a frightful prospect to know that your branch of the family tree could end with you. It can be a painful realization to find that your life was not as fruitful as you might have wanted. After all, what’s the point of having everything when you don’t have anyone to share it with? So, what should you do? Acknowledge The SituationThe first step to solving any problem is to acknowledge that it even exists and that there’s a need to determine whether to fix it or accept it. The importance of being able to express these feelings is vital in being able to come up with a solution. Keeping these negative feelings inside is going to cause emotional distress and will ultimately break you down. Face your problems head-on. Be Honest With Your Loved OnesYour greatest support is going to come from your partner or your family. You won’t be able to count on that support if they don’t even know what’s going on. Make sure to share your feelings with them in a healthy, positive way. Challenges shouldn’t break bonds, but rather, strengthen them. Join an Infertility Support GroupIt’s also important to find people who are empathic of you, those who completely understand what you’re going through because they, too, are going through the same thing. By talking to those who are at all different stages of the infertility journey, you may find the support and stories of hope you’re looking for. Seek TherapyWhen none of the abovementioned tips work, then it’s time to seek professional help. Fertility counselors are trained to help you overcome the initial hurdles of infertility. They are able to provide clients with insight and offer sound advice. They are your best option if you’re unable to express your feelings in a healthy way. SurrogacyOnce you’re over the initial hurdles and you’ve already accepted your situation, you may want to either remedy it or simply live with it. If you really want to give it a try, you can consider opting for surrogacy. It’s unconventional, but not as uncommon as you might think. It’s slowly becoming a more accepted method of growing a family. This surrogacy blog even illustrates the surrogacy process and provides stories and tips on what to expect. AdoptionIf surrogacy isn’t the thing for you, then you can also consider adopting a child instead. You will be assessed by a social worker in your ability to exercise parental authority over the child, as well as other requirements such as being at least 16 years older than the adoptee. There are many children who are in need of a permanent home and this could be an opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.
Many people look forward to retirement, as it finally gives them the opportunity to do something with their golden years rather than worrying about working for hours each day. However, one thing that can hamper your ambitions for finally enjoy life is finances. While you may be receiving an income from your pension, this may be nowhere near as much as your income was. In addition, it may not be enough to fund the type of retirement you want. So, what can you do in order to fund your retirement and supplement your pension? Well, there are steps you can take in order to cut some costs such as looking for cheaper providers for utilities or finding cheap health insurance to save money. However, one major move you can make it is look at downsizing your property. Some of the Key Benefits of DownsizingThere are many people who come to retirement age and find themselves still living in the family property they have been in for years. With the kids generally having left home by this time, the property is often far bigger than you need. Even though your mortgage may be fully paid by this time in your life, you still have to take other points into consideration such as the cost of running a larger property.
Many retired people spend years struggling along on a modest pension while they have tens of thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands – tied up in their property. By selling up and downsizing, you can continue to enjoy a mortgage-free life by paying outright for your new property from the money you get for your property. At the same time, you will also have additional money to put in the bank, enjoy your retirement, and leave to loved ones. The cost of running a larger home can also make a big difference to your finances. Paying the bills on a larger property can result in your spending far more than you need to when it comes to your bills. This is wasted money if you only make use of part of the property. By downsizing to a smaller property that is cheaper to run, you will not only be able to make use of the money that is tied up in your current property, but you will also be able to reduce how much you have to pay on your bills and expenses. There is one more major benefit that comes with downsizing. Looking after and maintaining a larger property can be time-consuming and stressful, particularly when you are trying to enjoy your retirement and relax. With a smaller property, you will find it far easier to look after your home. Cleaning, maintenance, and general upkeep will be far easier than with a larger property. So, if you want to tap into your equity to help make retirement more enjoyable, downsizing could be the ideal solution. This is a great way to get money in the bank and make life easier once you start drawing your pension. It’s no secret that many students have a thing against homework. It’s often been called an unnecessary problem that students have to deal with, and homework is often considered ineffective. However, it’s still present in the system, so it means that students will just have to deal with it. There are ways to go about when doing homework so that you’re more effective, because a lot of times you just want to be done as quick as possible. Always have a planPlenty of students start doing their homework randomly. That means that they just jump in the first thing they see when they open the backpack, and that there’s no plan for what and how they’re doing. This method is often considered very ineffective and a waste of time, because having a plan is always superior. Creating a list with what you have to do, as well as allocating the amount of time you think you’ll need, are definitely the best way to approach writing homework. Planning out everything means that you’ll spend less time figuring things on the go, and more time enjoying your free hours. Never work in crowded surroundingsIn many cases, homework is serious work, and it’ll require your full focus and awareness to properly complete it. Sometimes even having a single person around just doing their thing can be distracting. That’s why you need to find out where your personal groove is, and use that place to its full potential. It’s almost always for the best to work in a secluded spot, one without a TV to slow you down, or without too many distractions that can take away from your focus. Turn off unnecessary devicesUnless you’re sure that you’ll need your computer or phone, never have them turned on while you’re doing homework. It’s no secret that electronic devices are the biggest distraction for work, so having them off can really do wonders. Instead of feeling pressured to return a text or check social media, you’ll be entirely immersed in your work. Whatever it is that’s normally distracting you can wait for a couple of hours while you finish with your obligations. Get outside helpSometimes you just don’t have the time to manage all of your homework and projects. Instead of missing on deadlines and hoping that you can get an extension, you can easily find help from someone else. Using a college paper writing service is definitely a smart move, because it not only saves you on time, but it pretty much gives you a guarantee that the work will be done with proper research and on the right topic. You should consider using help, because at the very least it saves up on time. Drink water and snack while workingYou’re probably doing homework at the end of the day. That’s when you’re tired the most, and you’ll probably want to do nothing else than simply lay down and relax. That’s your body’s way of telling you that your reserves are depleted, and it’s up to you to bring yourself back to full speed. Water is something you should never forget, because it’s smart to be hydrated at all times, but also don’t forget about snacks. Snacking on something that will keep your brain working for an extra hour or two is definitely a smart choice. Take breaks between workSometimes when you’re extra tired your mind and your body just aren’t in sync enough. Those are moments that everyone recognizes, and in those cases you should most definitely take a short break. Pushing through it will lead to worse results, which in turn might lead you to have to redo a large portion of your homework. That’s something you want to avoid because it’s the complete opposite of efficiency. Always reward yourself at the endHuman brains work on a reward system. If you feel like you’ve done a good job, then definitely do something about that. Whether that’s simply eating a tasty treat, or playing a game, or even just going for a walk, rewards have an incredibly positive effect. Make sure to utilize them as much as possible.
Homework can be tricky because it often requires a lot of your time. With some proper planning and preparation you can become very efficient and save on time. Throughout time, people have been on a quest to find their origins. Some individuals search through history books, and some people search through different religions. Recently, science has offered a new option to get answers. Genealogical DNA tests look at genomes in the blood and give an estimate of what ethnicities a person comes from.
This test has gained popularity worldwide due to the ease and speed of it. Although the idea of a genealogical DNA test sounds promising, there are a few drawbacks to be mindful of. Genetics is a field that scientists have only begun to understand. For this reason, the test results are not 100 percent accurate. The results of a genealogical DNA test can cause a serious identity crisis for a person if the test says something different from what he or she was raised to believe. We often grow accustomed to our alleged family roots, so finding out we aren’t really Irish or Italian can mess with our heads. On top of that, the results may not even be correct. Therefore, take the results as the estimates that they are and be sure to mentally prepare for unwanted results. If you have ordered a DNA testing kit, be sure to research the company performing the results. Sites such as DNAGeek provide a trove of insight into how these tests vary from one another. For instance, does the company keep some of your DNA for any reason? Does the company share your results with any outside sources? These are important questions to have answered before submitting your sample. Unfortunately, this act does give companies the freedom to share information under certain circumstances. For example, if obvious identifying characteristics are removed from your sample, then the company can sell it. Therefore, privacy is a big factor in deciding whether to submit a DNA testing kit. Aside from the drawbacks, these tests have done a lot to help people. While this test can weaken a person's cultural identity, there are plenty of testimonies that say the test results helped to strengthen it. Many adoptees are not as concerned with what country their ancestors came from, as much as they are about who their immediate family is today. The genealogical test has helped to reunite adoptees to their biological families. Since this test goes deeper than paternity or maternity, people can find brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The results are kept on a database and alerts are sent out when there is a match to someone else's results. Genealogical DNA tests are a revolutionary development. So far, the benefits are outweighing the downsides. If you or someone you know is looking to take one of these tests, be sure to educate and prepare yourself for the results. Also, remember that the tests are not all the way accurate. Knowing your background can give you more insight into what you are as a person, but it will not tell you who you are. Therefore, when taking these tests, do not overanalyze it. Take it for what it is, interesting and informative. Big achievements require steady persistence and effort, and sometimes the path to success is long and meandering. At moments like this, when we feel demotivated and exhausted, inspiration is a powerful force that propels us forward. A few words of wisdom from people who have overcome all the hurdles and written their names in history can help you regain the energy you lost. Do not overlook the importance of inspiration. The most monotonous work can still feel meaningful if you keep your goal in sight. These life quotes may bring the spark you need to reach your target and continue striving for perfection in spite of all odds. After all, the people whose words you will find below, knew what they were talking about. Powerful Words1. PerseveranceAs the football star Pele, said, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”. Do not give up too easily and walk on. Politician Colin Powell would agree with the famous sportsman, as he once admitted, “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work”. On another occasion, the statesman and four-star United States general rephrased it as, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure”. 2. Find meaning in routineIf you feel soul-crushed by a repetitive job, heed the words of Dwayne Johnson: “Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come”. The effort you make today may be crucial to your quest to achieve great things further on. Even Pope Paul VI praised the value of hard work when he famously said, “All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.” 3. Hard work vs. talentImportantly, talent is no guarantee of success. No matter how gifted you are, you won’t go places unless you put in real work. According to the world-famous Stephen King, “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work”. If sportspeople inspire you most, consider the quote from the football quarterback Robert Griffin III, “Hard work pays off - hard work beats talent any day, but if you're talented and work hard, it's hard to be beaten”.
Words of advice from people who managed to achieve fame, prominence and wealth, may be just the thing you need in times of discouragement. Stay the course and never lose sight of your goal. Eventually, your hard work will pay off. Deciding to downsize in order to prepare for retirement is becoming an increasingly attractive option to make. There is an estimated 2.5 million people in the UK that move into smaller properties in order to improve their cash flow and disposable income. However, you may be wondering whether it would be the right option for you. We have put together a guide to downsizing, explaining the main things you need to know about it. Why should I downsize?There are a number of different circumstances where downsizing could be worth considering. For example it is particularly popular option with ‘empty nesters’ whose children have now permanently left home, and therefore choose to downsize so that they can use the equity that has been raised to boost their income before, or during retirement. Others may downsize as they are finding it difficult to get approved for a new mortgage, meaning they have no other choice but to downsize. From a financial position, downsizing can give you a huge injection of cash, providing that you own the home outright and have paid off your mortgage. Equally if you have not paid your mortgage, you will be going to paying a lower monthly rate, which should free up some funds for leisure, holidays or to supplement your pension. Plus, if you are planning a new lifestyle change whether it is buying a boat, new car, holiday or buying a place overseas, you can do so with the money you have freed up, without having to take out personal loans or similar. Downsizing optionsIf you are downsizing with no urgent debts outstanding, you can take your time with the housing market and find the best option for you. It is important to plan ahead and find a place that is accessible and easy to use for old age. Having large staircases or a long distance to park the car is not ideal for seniors. It is worth telling your estate agent (if you are using one to sell your house) about your intentions to downsize. A professional might be able to advise whether you should move or consider making improvements to the home. One has to consider the turbulence of the property market and which option is going to yield the best returns. If you would like to sell your property sooner rather than later, you could look at getting in contact with a specialist house buying service, who can considerably speed up the moving process on your behalf. Providing that you accept the offer and are happy with the terms and conditions, this could mean you end up moving into your new, smaller property in just a matter of weeks. Things to consider when downsizingBefore you make the commitment of deciding to downsize, you should consider the following key points:
Borrowing from family and friends is the most popular way to borrow money in the UK and indeed across the world. Where mortgage borrowing was £73.5 billion last year, borrowing between parents and children was around £88 billion for things including new homes, cars, debt consolidation and towards new businesses.
But when money comes between close relatives and friends, it can get ugly and can lead to conflict if not handled in the right way. We proudly offer some of the top tips for borrow successfully between friends and family
Understand what the money is for
Being transparent between all parties is very important and this starts with understanding what the money is for. The person who is lending the money typically wants to know what their investment is going towards and can feel betrayed if it is used improperly.
Essentially, they want to know that their money is being used for good such as paying off debts or helping the person get a start on life through their living situation or business. The last thing they want to hear is that their money is misused for recreational purposes, illegal activity or consumer spending.
Being clean and honest from the beginning is a good way to lend between friends and avoid any confusion down the line.
Putting repayment terms in place
When borrowing small amounts between family and friends such as £10 here and there, the money is rarely questioned and there is typically no need for interest or repayment. Many people just simply write it off or repay at their next availability.
However, for larger sums that run in the thousands, it can be worth putting repayment terms in place such as getting repaid in full by the end of the month, year or in monthly installments.
This adds a bit more formality to the transaction and manages expectations for all of those involved.
Do you charge interest?
Between close relatives and friends, it is not common to charge interest on an informal loan such as this. However, some social groups expect interest to be charged and this is likely to be determined between both parties. The rates charged should be more competitive than your local bank or if you went with a direct lender for bad credit, where you might be limited to higher rates.
Alternatively, some parents or friends may wish to take a percentage of sales or a stake in the business that they are investing in, preferring to take a long-term view than the immediate returns from a loans agreement.
Using parents or friends as a guarantor
If the parent or friend is unsure whether to lend money, they can act as a guarantor for a loan. This means co-signing a loan agreement and agreeing to repay any interest if the main borrower cannot keep up with payments. This can be a great way to give someone an opportunity, without having to put all the money upfront. However, there are risks, since the guarantor can be left with a huge sum to pay if it does not go to plan.
Should you write a formal loans agreement?
The Money Advice Service embraces the idea of putting together a formal loan agreement between family and friends. This can consist of just a few pages outlining the terms of the loan including rates charged, repayment expectation, amount borrower and late penalties if viable.
This does not need to be made by a lawyer, but can be put together on a word document and signed by both parties – for the very least to manage expectations.
Provided that you cover these areas, borrowing between family and friends can be very productive and effective. Some of our favourite restaurants and start-ups have thrived under this model including Facebook, Apple and Amazon!
In years gone by, many people who retired from work found themselves at a loss what to do in order to keep themselves busy and active. After years of working, it can come as quite a shock to have literally nothing to do, and this sort of lifestyle simply doesn’t suit some people. Fortunately, in today’s digital age, there are far more ways to keep busy and even earn money after you have retired. Just because you have officially retired from work, you still have financial commitments ranging from housing costs through to utility bills and life insurance policy costs. By taking advantage of modern technology, you can keep yourself busy and make some extra cash to supplement your pension. Some Simple Ways to Make Money with Modern TechBy turning to modern technology, you can make extra cash and keep yourself active and busy even after retirement. Perhaps you enjoy doing research and have a flair for writing. If so, you could offer online content writing services, which is something you can do from the comfort of your own home by setting up a home office. You can work as many or as few hours as you like doing something like this, which makes it an ideal choice for those that want to strike a balance between keeping busy and enjoying their retirement. Maybe you have a flair for baking or crafts such as making jewelry, greetings cards, or scented candles. If so, you can create all of these at home and then advertise them online. You can sell them via a range of different portals such as on social media sites, on sites such as eBay, or even by setting up your own website. If you cannot create your own goods but you would like to make money from selling online, you can consider opening up an eBay store through which you can buy and sell items to make a healthy regular income. If you have a background in accountancy or book-keeping, you could also offer your services to businesses on a part-time basis after you retire. There are many businesses and individuals looking for experienced number-crunchers, so this is a great way to put your skills and experience to good use, keep yourself busy, and make some extra cash. Again, you can do this from the privacy and comfort of your own home and work the hours and days that suit you and your retirement plans. Simple Solutions for Life After RetirementThere is no doubt that modern technology has provided us with a simple solution to make life more exciting after retirement. You can continue working and doing something you enjoy, you can bring in extra cash to supplement your income, and you can eliminate the risk of total boredom setting in. You also get to enjoy the benefit of flexibility, as you can work from your own home and during
hours and days that suit you. This makes it easy to enjoy earning and working even after you retire. |
July 2024