Living off a very lowly pension can be a struggle financially. However, there are always ways to save money. Continue reading for our top tips to help you feel more comfortable about your finances. SellHave a look around everything you own. Do you still use that vacuum cleaner you bought on a whim? What about that foot spa? You undoubtedly have several things within your property, which are gathering far more dust than anything else. Try to sell them if you can. The money you get from doing so could be saved for upcoming events, such as birthdays or Christmas, or simply used to pay off recent bills. Deals and discountsMany stores offer senior discounts on certain days of the week. It is worth investigating prior to making purchases as you could save yourself hundreds or thousands each year by being a savvy shopper. You have probably received leaflets through the door offering you a certain deal if you are of a certain age. Again, it is certainly something that you ought to consider. Cafes and restaurants sometimes have cheaper lunch menus aimed specifically at pensioners. Again, if you plan ahead, you could save a significant amount of money over the course of just a few months. PlanPlanning your meals in advance is a great way of saving money. Your grocery shopping trips will probably take half the time and you will definitely reduce your spending. At the end of your week, you will also have less waste. If you have coupons, try to keep these next to you while you are doing your meal planning as this will help you save even more. Special offers leaflets can also assist you in making sure you get the best deals. Contrary to popular belief, shopping in several different stores to get the best buys is not always the right thing to do. The amount of money you spend on gas increases. Switch suppliersSwitching energy suppliers can have a huge impact on your monthly bills. In fact, it is one of the easiest changes you can make. It can be as straightforward as visiting a switch website, entering your details and picking the package that works best for you. This is also a great way to change to a more environmentally-friendly form of energy, as many renewable sources will be on offer. MoveMoving to a property that is smaller or requires less maintenance could make a huge difference to your outgoings. Be sure to have the conversation with family members first to gather their opinions. Alternatively, have you considered moving from your home to assisted living or a residential care home? A senior placement agency would be able to talk you through your options and help you to work out the best way forward for your personal circumstances. Although this may not seem like a money saving idea, it could well be in the long run depending on what is included in the total cost.
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July 2024