Homework is a chore no student looks forward to. In recent times, there has been an uptick in the number of people who are being vocal against the amount of homework out schools prescribe for their students. The mountains of homework always translate to students being unable to meet friends or have time for extra-curricular activities. Homework can feel tedious and can feel never-ending. This is probably because you are making some common homework mistakes that you can easily avoid. Homework mistakes are mistakes you make when approaching your homework. This includes the setup of your room, what you do while doing homework, and when you choose to do your home. Let’s find out what these mistakes are now! Mistake #1: Skipping Homework for the DayWhen you come back home from school, you can feel exhausted. Even now, when the pandemic is raging, and classes are taking place digitally, students still feel tired at the end of the day. It can be easy to slip into the habit of deferring your homework. However, when you skip homework for one day, you’re just setting yourself up to do double the amount of homework tomorrow. Instead, do your homework the day it is assigned wherever possible. If you have some time to submit your assignment, then make sure you make a plan to finish by the deadline and stick to it. Mistake #2: Having a Messy RoomClutter in your room can translate to having a distracted and cluttered mind. Research has shown that having a messy room can be a huge distraction when you’re trying to work. Thus, if you do your homework in your room, it’s time to get out your cleaning supplies and get busy! Clear out the trash from your room and organize everything else. If you’re unsure about how to do that, always keep in mind the following adage - “a place for everything and everything in its place!” Use this and make your own system or organization, so you know where things are when you need them. Mistake #3: Not Keeping Snacks HandyBe honest with yourself - when you sit down to do homework, how many times do you get up for snacks or even water? Most students get up multiple times an hour to grab something to eat or drink while they are struggling with homework. This disrupts the flow of your thoughts and gets you out of the zone to study. It can take time to get back in the zone and get back your flow. Instead, keep a container of snacks in your room. You can even dedicate a drawer to keeping healthy, low-calorie snacks to keep you from getting up multiple times. Before you sit down to study, bring water or your preferred beverage into your room and keep it close by. Make sure these containers are airtight to avoid ants or other insects. Mistake 4#: Not Getting Help When You Need ItThe point of your homework is to revise your memory of what you learned in class. Homework often is an excellent measure of whether you understood the study material the way it was supposed to be understood. If you find yourself struggling with your homework, it’s usually an indication that you need a little extra help or tutoring in that subject or topic. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask anyone to be your homework helper - it can be friends, family, or even teachers you think are approachable. You can even look for homework help online in case these avenues are busy or if you are shy. The internet is an excellent resource you can utilize to keep ahead of your homework schedule. Mistake #5: Being DistractedBeing distracted is one of the most significant factors that’s making you feel that homework is lasting forever. When you are not focused on the task at hand, you only make incremental advancements in finishing it. Thus, you might write a few lines in half an hour when you’re distracted. On the other hand, you might finish your 1000 word assignment in 45 mins if you give the assignment dedicated time and focus.
It can be challenging to focus at home nowadays. Everyone is working or studying from home, and homes are pretty crowded. People can talk, or me in loud meetings, or play video games, or be noisy in general. To prevent these from affecting you, you can play music or invest in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. You can also choose to work in a quiet area in the house.
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July 2024